
The Top Music Genres


Art Punk is Rock music with a higher level of artistic ambition. Its bands combine the stripped-down style of Punk Rock with "arty" elements of Minimalism, instrumental interplay, elements of Traditional Folk Music of various cultures, experimentation with Jazz or Funk-inspired rhythms, dissonance, and noise experimentation.


Lo-fi emerged during the advent of the American underground scene in the 1980s as a raw, noisy style of Indie Rock. Its name stems from its use of low-fidelity production and recording equipment, giving it an unclean and distinctly ramshackle sound. Countless underground bands continue to practice the style today.


Hypnagogic Pop is a broad term covering a constellation of artists that, while having many different "styles", have a similar music making approach: (sometimes extremely) low fidelity production filtering, more often than not, reminiscences of pop culture in various degrees and in different forms.


Experimental Rock is a term applied to music which, while essentially falling under the category of Rock music, abandons generic trappings of the genre and experiments with rhythm, dissonance, instrumentation, noise, electronics, studio manipulation and other factors not commonly associated with rock 'n roll.


Dream Pop is a genre characterized by an overall subdued atmosphere - from the vocals to the melodies - producing a dream-like, sleepy, or spacious feel. Songs are structured with a steady though de-emphasized beat and vocals that are lower in the mix and possibly run through effects so as to offer a more ethereal feel.


The Blackgaze sound is a mixture of black metal aesthetics with more dreamy and mellow textures. One of the main characteristics of the genre are tremolo picking riffs creating an ethereal wall of sound, which is softer than usual black metal and resembling Shoegaze (hence the name). 

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